In Siwan, four individuals fell critically ill on Thursday after consuming toxic liquor. Tragically, one of them passed away, while another lost their eyesight. The remaining individuals are still under medical care. The Nitish Kumar government continues to face criticism for the unchecked availability of liquor in the state despite prohibition. The Patna High Court recently reprimanded the Bihar government and questioned the enforcement of prohibition laws.
What Do Experts Say?
Suneel Vatsyayan, A Life Coach, explains, "To evaluate the pros and cons of prohibition, we must first understand human capital. When discussing human capital, liquor is not a solution but a contributing factor to problems. Prohibition has led to a reduction in domestic and sexual violence and has improved public health to some extent. These are indicators that prohibition has yielded benefits. It was implemented in response to public demand. If it were merely a political decision, it would have been counterproductive."
He adds, "Prohibition was undoubtedly a commendable initiative and initially brought positive outcomes. However, the Nitish government fell short in ensuring proper implementation and engaging all stakeholders. Prohibition could have been a strong pillar in India's Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan campaign. While the ban was enforced, the surrounding measures and preventive steps were neglected. The flaws that have since emerged clearly make the state government accountable.
Source: NDTVSource:
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