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Patient Champions and Peer led NGOs united for #Health4JusticeJustice4Health on World Drug Day 2019

International Day against Drug abuse and Illicit trafficking 'theme "Health for Justice, Justice for Health"  was observed on 25th June 2019 by Vikalp (CCAA Trust)  a member  of Young India Network for Good health along with ten other peer led NGOs at Gaziabad Railway Station ( U.P),namely, Pray for all,New Serve Nissan,JM Baksh Foundation,servhit Foundation,AACA Trust,Jeevan Uday Nasha Mukti Kendra,Aarti Foundations,Vijeta Seva Sansthan, A Real Life Foundation. These patient champions and peer led NGOs have been running Drug Rehabilitation centers in Sahibabad and Gaziabad area. Nada India and Young India Network for Good Health have been organizing  Non Communicable Disease prevention program and giving peer educators and counselors training in behavioral change counselling for the prevention of NCDs and its risk factors among drug using population. Mr.Abhilash T.Issac convener of Young India Network informed that Network has involved  patient champions and peer led member organisations for good health care and  access to People Living With Addiction and their family members during treatment and rehabilitation.  

"I welcome the theme of this International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking – 'health for justice, justice for health' – underlining the importance of a holistic approach involving health, human rights, criminal justice and social service institutions.— UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Effective responses to the world drug problem require inclusive and accountable institutions of criminal justice, health and social services to work hand in hand to provide integrated solutions, in line with the international drug control conventions, human rights obligations and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Mr.Vatsyayan, Mr.Pradeep and Mr.Rakesh @ Railway Station Gaziabad UP.

The purpose was to create awareness about Drug Abuse and stigma attached with drug users. .Sukhmanch Theatre based in Delhi performed a street play on the subject. Another play  by Anshu & Volunteers  of Amity University NOIDA was on role of family in drug treatment. Shri Kuldeep Tyagi, Railway station Superintendent extended all support in making the event a success.He applaud the effort of all Peer led NGOs running Drug Rehabilitation Centers and pointed out that young street children on railway station are also hooked to drugs. 
Mr Suneel Vatsyayan of Nada India Foundation  also applauded united efforts and talked about the importance adding  Behavior Change Counselling in current drug treatment and intervention  for good health and better results. Later Mr.Vatsyayan visited Viklap Drug Rehabilitation center in Gaziabad. 
Mr Javed from Childline (1098) appreciated the work , involvement of NGOs and suggested that we all should unit and organize such programs on Drug Abuse on regular basis. 
Dr Ashutosh Gautam from Chief Medical Office also participated in event. Mr Pradeep Goyal Patient Champion (Trustee) of CCAA Trust thanked all the NGOs for their  participation  and involvement in taking the campaign in different parts of Delhi NCR.

Pratibha Kotak
Counselor Vikalap 


  1. If anyone is finding child psychiatrist in Ludhiana then contact Dr. Rajeev Gupta at Manas Hospital. They provide the best treatment at genuine cost.


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