International Day against Drug abuse and Illicit trafficking 'theme "Health for Justice, Justice for Health" was observed on 25th June 2019 by Vikalp (CCAA Trust) a member of Young India Network for Good health along with ten other peer led NGOs at Gaziabad Railway Station ( U.P),namely, Pray for all, New Serve Nissan,JM Baksh Foundation,servhit Foundation,AACA Trust,Jeevan Uday Nasha Mukti Kendra,Aarti Foundations,Vijeta Seva Sansthan, A Real Life Foundation. These patient champions and peer led NGOs have been running Drug Rehabilitation centers in Sahibabad and Gaziabad area. Nada India and Young India Network for Good Health have been organizing Non Communicable Disease prevention program and giving peer educators and counselors training in behavioral change counselling for the prevention of NCDs and its risk factors among drug using population. Mr.Abhilash T.Issac convener of Young India Network informed that Network has invol...
ARPAN is a Nada India Foundation supported project. Under ARPAN Project,Nada India initiated a network of peer led treatment facilities that work to reduce high-risk behavior as they relate to drug abuse, NCDs,HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis . Nada India assists Peer led drug rehabilitation centers to establish and implement a standard of care by capacity building and consultancy.This project paved the way to form Haryana NGO Network for Peer led Drug and Alcohol Prevention