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Looking for a Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Center ?

Looking for a Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Center ? Nai Kiran Drug Rehabilitation Services are caring and safe, where you can learn how to live sober, productive life and discover best of your potential.
The biggest question.. What is after "Detoxification" ?? Most of us need a structured, healthy environment where healing can continue and new coping skills can be learned. We know you can succeed in staying sober.
You just need a little help. That`s what we`re here for.

Admission Procedure
you should take prior appointment for admission.
Expenditure for boarding and extra facilities charged. This amount is to be paid in cash at the time of admission. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
Charges for medicines or pathological tests prescribed by the Doctor will have to be paid extra.
Besides his rehabilitation and minor medical problems, if he falls sick due to any other illness, then parents and guardians are responsible for his extra treatment. During in-house stay, the patients have to follow all the rules and regulations very strictly.
Relatives are allowed to meet their patients with prior appointment.
No one is allowed to meet the patient on any other day......
For details Helpline 09212601043
Mobile no- 09212273400
Email -


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