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‘Mann Ki Baat’- Popular series on Doordarshan

‘Mann Ki Baat’- Popular series on Doordarshan 
focuses on Contemporary Psychosocial Mental Health Issues

New Delhi, 10th July, 2012 - ‘Mann Ki Baat (eu dh ckr), the series on Doordarshan handling mental health and psychosocial issues has been very well received and appreciated by public and critically acclaimed by press.  The series being aired every Saturday at 8.30 a.m. on National Network of Doordarshan and repeated every Monday at 8.30 a.m. has focused on contemporary issues like Aggression, Road Rage, Accidents, Coping with Trauma and Disasters, Disabilities, Bereavement, Chronic Illnesses and Caregiver’s stress.

The series now focuses on issues of the Elderly – Ageing and Mental Health, Memory Impairment and Dementia, Elder abuse, Gender Discrimination etc. as well as Parenting – Single Parenting, take up, Adoption, Generation Gap and Adolescent Sexuality etc.  The series would then take up special areas of children and adolescents within family and in the society, managing emotions and positive mental health.

The content for the series has been developed by Dr. Sujatha D. Sharma, a clinical psychologist with over 25 years of experience in mental health as well as content development for media.  Dr. Avdesh Sharma, an eminent psychiatrist is the Director and Expert anchor of the series.  He has anchored and directed numerous health programs for the electronic media for over 30 years. Ms. Kanupriya, a well known media personality for nearly two decades is the Anchor of the series.

It is estimated by WHO that a quarter of the population suffers from a mental illness sometimes in their lifetime and at least 10% suffer from serious mental disorders at any given time. The psychosocial and interpersonal problems on day-to-day basis affect us all, reducing efficiency and causing untold emotional burden. The need is not only to overcome negative states but promote positive mental health for individuals, family and society.  Thus, caring for our mind becomes our greatest responsibility to ourselves and those around. 

It is critical to recognize early signs of psychological distress and address them immediately, either through self-help or professional advice.  It would be better for a person to share his or her feelings, conflicts, problems or dilemmas with others who are sympathetic listeners and caring well-wishers. This way, an emerging psychological problem can be addressed in a timely manner and resolved early.  This would reduce the strife and psychological burden on the society as well as the stressed medical services.  Television, especially Doordarshan, with mandate for social change through infotainment is an effective way to reach out to the masses.

Mann ki Baat has offered this platform to create awareness for mental health issues – both the ordinary ones that affect our daily lives and the not so ordinary one that may not directly affect us but someone we know or care for and gives knowledge to make the difference. 

Program website:  


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