Greetings to our amazing network of peer-led drug and alcohol rehabilitation advocates! #restrat Today, let's delve into the realm of cinema, where the recently released movie " 12th Fail " has not only captivated audiences but also sparked reflections on the societal norms and expectations that shape our lives, particularly during the crucial phase of adolescence. Firstly, let's applaud the trend of biopics being produced during the lifetime of individuals, making it an empowering experience for those who choose to share their inspiring stories. "12th Fail" revolves around the real-life journey of Manoj Kumar Sharma, a resilient soul who overcame extreme poverty to become an Indian Police Service officer. The title itself, "12th Fail," carries immense weight. It's not just a descriptor of an academic outcome but a reflection of societal norms that define success and failure. The movie skilfully explores how the concept of failure can becom...
ARPAN is a Nada India Foundation supported project. Under ARPAN Project,Nada India initiated a network of peer led treatment facilities that work to reduce high-risk behavior as they relate to drug abuse, NCDs,HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis . Nada India assists Peer led drug rehabilitation centers to establish and implement a standard of care by capacity building and consultancy.This project paved the way to form Haryana NGO Network for Peer led Drug and Alcohol Prevention