Showcasing the goodwill of Nada Young India Network under the mentorship of Nada India Foundation to create a healthier Tobaccofree India! The video celebrates the motivation of volunteers to be change makers, acting as catalysts promoting a healthier active lifestyle and supporting the government to reduce tobacco use among minors and adolescents ! #NadaIndiaFoundation #NYIN #youth4tobaccofreeindia #tobaccofreeindia
ARPAN is a Nada India Foundation supported project. Under ARPAN Project,Nada India initiated a network of peer led treatment facilities that work to reduce high-risk behavior as they relate to drug abuse, NCDs,HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis . Nada India assists Peer led drug rehabilitation centers to establish and implement a standard of care by capacity building and consultancy.This project paved the way to form Haryana NGO Network for Peer led Drug and Alcohol Prevention