NADA Ear acupuncture session in progress Suneel Vatsyayan talked about importance of barrier free rehabilitation services Ms.Helena speaking on this occasio n Bharat Bhushan peer leader speaking on this occassion Feedback session Dr.Ajay NADA ADS trainer conducted a training workshop for physicians attending peer led rehabilitation centers like Naikiran Narela ,Kirari in Delhi and Nai Disha and Dr.Rathi from Harayana Haryana .The workshop was oragnaised by Nai Kiran and Nada India . Ms.Helena Schouenborg NADA ADS from US. She also visited ear acupuncture based program in Delhi Prisons Tihar. A NADA ear acupuncture session was also oranised for patients and heads of peer led treatment centers.
ARPAN is a Nada India Foundation supported project. Under ARPAN Project,Nada India initiated a network of peer led treatment facilities that work to reduce high-risk behavior as they relate to drug abuse, NCDs,HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis . Nada India assists Peer led drug rehabilitation centers to establish and implement a standard of care by capacity building and consultancy.This project paved the way to form Haryana NGO Network for Peer led Drug and Alcohol Prevention